Seems that folks haven't found out yet that there are air filter kits out there for the 32DFT, here's just one option, there are many more easy finds on ebay
Here's one of the first conversions i'd run across, very basic, grand total of 77$ and in use for some time now.
==================================== "Single Carburetor - which one"? Thread started in Sept/09 on the Steve Saunders site with this post by CaptainMidnight85
"I'm running the Weber 32/36 Prog. right now. What do you use? What would you use? Why? My next project will be the Solex 30PICT-1 like the one below". ====================================
"GL1000/1100/1200 Single Carb Conversion 2 Barrel 32DFT Progressive Runs Excellent"
Dan Filipiseized the moment and created a special section skunkworks sub forum, where he and his merry band of ragtag mainly redneck buds and wizards, tore into the Weber based 32DFT, from every angle. The Captain was not amused! and didn't help that he got the ~ fresh and recent boot! yet again!! The naked bigwigs having completely missed the boat and not even aware of it, were finally beginning to boil faced with internet realities.